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WHISE is an innovative platform for real estate agents. It combines advanced CRM with easy access to integrated services. They are the leader in Belgium with more than 5,000 users. Their mission is to continuously look for better ways to guide real estate agents along the transaction journey, from prospection to signature, thanks to smart and automated features. They make the entire selling process smoother and more enjoyable, allowing agents to make people happy finding the right home.

The challenge

The main challenge was to be able to communicate with our users at the right time and to provide them with the right information.  It is very important for WHISE to guide the user through the platform and make him discover all the possibilities that our CRM offers.

The usual channels where already being used (mass-mailing, alerts, …) but did not offer the possibility to be proactive instead of just informative or reactive.

The solution

The chatbot is starting to become THE communication channel. For every development made, involving the chatbot is considered. The cool part is that the chatbot can interact with our databases (mongo, SQL, etc). The use cases are endless. We are now working towards building out the anticipation functionality to guide the realtor in becoming better in his job and helping him through the transaction process.

The results

Flows built

Strong reduction
of the
How-to questions

messages per month




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